18 February 2009

Boston Superfoods Tour 2008

In September 2008 we ventured around Boston on a two-day superfoods tour. Every food and drink we consumed needed to include a superfood. Targeted foods included: chocolate, oats, blueberries, red onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, acai, ginger, soy, walnuts, and salmon. Our itinerary was as follows:

Toscanini's - blueberry muffins, toasted granola, and soy lattes
28 degrees - blueberry basil martinis, pomegranate belinis and other signature cocktails -
Jacob Wirth's - sweet potato fries, spinach salad (with walnuts),
Chinatown - salmon rolls and edamame
Betty's Wok and Noodle Diner - ginger saketini
Sister Sorel - Blueberry martini, Plymouth Blackberry Collins
Burdick's - dark and white drinking chocolate

Additionally we found cosmetics at Fresh made from superfood ingredients, including mangosteen body lotion, soy shampoo, and pomegranate conditioner.

drinking chocolate

toasted granola in strained yogurt

blueberry muffin

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